Guideline recommendations and antimicrobial resistance: the need for a change.

antimicrobial resistance has become a global burden of inappropriate use of antimicrobials is an important contributing factor. Any decisions on the selection of antibiotic use should take into account the effect on antimicrobial resistance. The purpose of this study was to assess the extent to which the guidelines prescribe antibiotic resistance patterns have been considered when making recommendations for the five syndrome is a very common infection.

We used Medline search engines equipped with extensive use of the web to identify the empirical treatment guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia, urinary tract infections, acute otitis media, rhinosinusitis and pharyngitis. We collect microbiology and resistance patterns and categories of patterns of discrete identified. We assess the extent to which the recommendation was considered a resistance, in addition to safety and efficacy, as recommended antibiotics.

We identified 135 guidelines, which reported a total of 251 recommendations. The majority (103/135, 79%) come from developed countries. Community-acquired pneumonia is mostly represented syndrome (51, 39%). In only 16 (6.4%) recommendation, the selection of empiric antibiotics discussed in terms of endurance and certain microbiological data. In a further 69 (27.5%) recommendations were made in relation to the reference resistance, but the effort was not consistent. In syndrome, 12 of resistance patterns with implications on the recommendation observed. 50% to 75% of the recommendations are not trying to recommendation set in the context of these patterns.

There is consistent evidence that the guidelines for the use of empirical antibiotic resistance is not routinely consider in their recommendations. Decision makers must analyze and report on the extent to which local resistance patterns to enable better decision-making. the abundance of viruses in soil can range from below detection limit in the desert heat for more than 1 billion per gram in wetlands. Abundance seems strongly influenced by water availability and temperature, but the lack of standards of information makes it difficult to cross-study analysis.

Guideline recommendations and antimicrobial resistance: the need for a change.
Guideline recommendations and antimicrobial resistance: the need for a change.

Soil diversity of viruses is very underrated and undersampled, despite the measures currently higher viral richness to the ground than the aquatic ecosystem. Both morphometric analysis and metagenomic have raised questions about the prevalence of nontailed, ssDNA viruses in soil. Land complex and important for terrestrial biodiversity and human civilization, but the impact of viral activity in the soil ecosystem services are poorly understood. Information from aquatic systems and medical microbiology virus shows potential effect on nutrient cycling, food web interactions, gene transfer, and other key processes in the soil, very little empirical data available. To understand virome ground, still a lot of work.

WAC Peptide

7293P 0.05 mg
EUR 197.7
Description: (IN) WAC Peptide

WAC Peptide

MBS154046-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 175

WAC Peptide

MBS154046-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 770

WAC Antibody

7293-002mg 0.02 mg
EUR 206.18
Description: WAC Antibody: The WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil protein (WAC) contains a WW domain that mediates protein-protein interactions and colocalizes with RNA splicing factor SC35. Further studies have indicated that WAC is a functional partner of the RNF20/40 complex that ubiquitinates Histone H2B, and that WAC regulates H2B ubiquitination. WAC targets RNF20/40 to associate with RNA polymerase II complex for H2B ubiquitination at active transcription sites. WAC-dependent transcription is also important for cell-cycle checkpoint activation in response to genotoxic stress.

WAC Antibody

7293-01mg 0.1 mg
EUR 523.7
Description: WAC Antibody: The WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil protein (WAC) contains a WW domain that mediates protein-protein interactions and colocalizes with RNA splicing factor SC35. Further studies have indicated that WAC is a functional partner of the RNF20/40 complex that ubiquitinates Histone H2B, and that WAC regulates H2B ubiquitination. WAC targets RNF20/40 to associate with RNA polymerase II complex for H2B ubiquitination at active transcription sites. WAC-dependent transcription is also important for cell-cycle checkpoint activation in response to genotoxic stress.

wac Antibody

CSB-PA932442XA01DLU-02mg 0.2mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) wac protein

wac Antibody

CSB-PA932442XA01DLU-10mg 10mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) wac protein

wac Antibody

CSB-PA319157XA01EDZ-02mg 0.2mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T4 (Bacteriophage T4) wac protein

wac Antibody

CSB-PA319157XA01EDZ-10mg 10mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T4 (Bacteriophage T4) wac protein

WAC Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100ug
  • 50ug
Description: A polyclonal antibody against WAC. Recognizes WAC from Human. This antibody is Unconjugated. Tested in the following application: ELISA, IHC, IF; Recommended dilution: IHC:1:20-1:200, IF:1:50-1:200

WAC Antibody

DF15014 100ul
EUR 420

WAC Antibody

DF15014-100ul 100ul
EUR 168
Description: ELISA(peptide)

WAC Antibody

DF15014-200ul 200ul
EUR 210
Description: ELISA(peptide)

WAC Antibody

MBS153531-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

WAC Antibody

MBS153531-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1965

WAC Antibody

MBS7043831-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 190

WAC Antibody

MBS7043831-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 270

WAC Antibody

MBS7043831-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1205

WAC Antibody

MBS9630302-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 260

WAC Antibody

MBS9630302-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 305

WAC Antibody

MBS9630302-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 1220

WAC Antibody

MBS9632685-1mg 1mg
EUR 375

WAC Antibody

MBS9632685-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 1545

WAC Rabbit pAb

A17703 1000μL
EUR 623.48

WAC Rabbit pAb

A17703-100ul 100 ul
EUR 369.6

WAC Rabbit pAb

A17703-200ul 200 ul
EUR 550.8

WAC Rabbit pAb

A17703-20ul 20 ul
EUR 219.6

WAC Rabbit pAb

A17703-50ul 50 ul
EUR 267.6

WAC cDNA Clone

MBS1270220-001mgPlasmid02mLGlycerolStock 0.01mgPlasmid+0.2mLGlycerol-Stock
EUR 200

WAC cDNA Clone

MBS1270220-5x001mgPlasmid5x02mLGlycerolStock 5x0.01mgPlasmid+5x0.2mLGlycerol-Stock
EUR 855

WAC cDNA Clone

MBS1270293-001mgPlasmid02mLGlycerolStock 0.01mgPlasmid+0.2mLGlycerol-Stock
EUR 200

WAC cDNA Clone

MBS1270293-5x001mgPlasmid5x02mLGlycerolStock 5x0.01mgPlasmid+5x0.2mLGlycerol-Stock
EUR 855

WAC Rabbit pAb

E45R23912N 50 ul
EUR 297.75

WAC Rabbit pAb

MBS9142948-002mL 0.02mL
EUR 200

WAC Rabbit pAb

MBS9142948-005mL 0.05mL
EUR 255

WAC Rabbit pAb

MBS9142948-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 345

WAC Rabbit pAb

MBS9142948-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 545

WAC Rabbit pAb

MBS9142948-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 2265

Mouse WAC siRNA

abx939625-150g 150 µg
EUR 450

Mouse WAC siRNA

abx939625-300g 300 µg
EUR 612.5

Human WAC siRNA

abx939626-150g 150 µg
EUR 450

Human WAC siRNA

abx939626-300g 300 µg
EUR 612.5

WAC siRNA (Mouse)

MBS829189-15nmol 15nmol
EUR 405

WAC siRNA (Mouse)

MBS829189-30nmol 30nmol
EUR 565

WAC siRNA (Mouse)

MBS829189-5x30nmol 5x30nmol
EUR 2450

WAC siRNA (Human)

MBS829194-15nmol 15nmol
EUR 405

WAC siRNA (Human)

MBS829194-30nmol 30nmol
EUR 565

WAC siRNA (Human)

MBS829194-5x30nmol 5x30nmol
EUR 2450

WAC cloning plasmid

CSB-CL861133HU1-10ug 10ug
EUR 279.6
Description: A cloning plasmid for the WAC gene.

WAC cloning plasmid

CSB-CL861133HU2-10ug 10ug
EUR 279.6
Description: A cloning plasmid for the WAC gene.

WAC Antibody (Center)

E45R32711G-1 100 ul
EUR 395

WAC Antibody (Center)

E45R32711G-4 50 ul
EUR 295

WAC Antibody (Center)

MBS9206490-008mL 0.08mL
EUR 210

WAC Antibody (Center)

MBS9206490-04mL 0.4mL
EUR 430

WAC Antibody (Center)

MBS9206490-5x04mL 5x0.4mL
EUR 1910

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

30135 100ul
EUR 439

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

30135-100ul 100ul
EUR 302.4

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

30135-50ul 50ul
EUR 224.4

Polyclonal WAC Antibody

APR06814G 0.1 mg
EUR 790.8
Description: A polyclonal antibody raised in Rabbit that recognizes and binds to Human WAC . This antibody is tested and proven to work in the following applications:

WAC polyclonal antibody

BS77420 50ul
EUR 358
Description: 1mg/ml in PBS with 0.02% sodium azide, 50% glycerol, pH7.2

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

E-AB-91874-120uL 120uL
EUR 320
Description: Unconjugated

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

E-AB-91874-200uL 200uL
EUR 530
Description: Unconjugated

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

E-AB-91874-60uL 60uL
EUR 200
Description: Unconjugated

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

E-AB-91874-each each Ask for price
Description: Unconjugated

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

E917703 100ul
EUR 225
Description: Available in various conjugation types.

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

MBS8572279-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 305

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

MBS8572279-01mLAF405L 0.1mL(AF405L)
EUR 565

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

MBS8572279-01mLAF405S 0.1mL(AF405S)
EUR 565

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

MBS8572279-01mLAF610 0.1mL(AF610)
EUR 565

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

MBS8572279-01mLAF635 0.1mL(AF635)
EUR 565

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9433266-005mL 0.05mL
EUR 300

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9433266-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 390

WAC Polyclonal Antibody

MBS9433266-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1610


ELI-28258h 96 Tests
EUR 988.8


ELI-17505m 96 Tests
EUR 1038

Wac (untagged) - Rat WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (Wac)

RN217039 10 µg Ask for price

Mouse WAC shRNA Plasmid

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 150 µg
  • 300 µg

Human WAC shRNA Plasmid

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 150 µg
  • 300 µg

Human WAC Protein Lysate

MBS8429776-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

WAC Peptide - middle region

MBS3247882-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 180

WAC Peptide - middle region

MBS3247882-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 730

WAC Antibody - middle region

MBS3223239-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 455

WAC Antibody - middle region

MBS3223239-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1995

WAC Antibody, HRP conjugated

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100ug
  • 50ug
Description: A polyclonal antibody against WAC. Recognizes WAC from Human. This antibody is HRP conjugated. Tested in the following application: ELISA

WAC Antibody, HRP conjugated

MBS7043891-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 190

WAC Antibody, HRP conjugated

MBS7043891-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 270

WAC Antibody, HRP conjugated

MBS7043891-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1205

WAC Antibody, FITC conjugated

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100ug
  • 50ug
Description: A polyclonal antibody against WAC. Recognizes WAC from Human. This antibody is FITC conjugated. Tested in the following application: ELISA

WAC Antibody, FITC conjugated

MBS7044101-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 190

WAC Antibody, FITC conjugated

MBS7044101-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 270

WAC Antibody, FITC conjugated

MBS7044101-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1205

Recombinant Human WAC Protein

E30P03848A 50 ug
EUR 295

OACA09674-50UG - WAC Antibody

OACA09674-50UG 50ug
EUR 179

WAC Recombinant Protein (Human)

RP034486 100 ug Ask for price

WAC Recombinant Protein (Human)

RP034489 100 ug Ask for price

WAC Recombinant Protein (Mouse)

RP185087 100 ug Ask for price

WAC Recombinant Protein (Mouse)

RP185090 100 ug Ask for price

WAC Antibody, Biotin conjugated

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100ug
  • 50ug
Description: A polyclonal antibody against WAC. Recognizes WAC from Human. This antibody is Biotin conjugated. Tested in the following application: ELISA

WAC Antibody, Biotin conjugated

MBS7044606-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 190

WAC Antibody, Biotin conjugated

MBS7044606-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 270

WAC Antibody, Biotin conjugated

MBS7044606-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1205

OAGA07894-100UL - WAC Antibody

OAGA07894-100UL 100ul
EUR 369

OACA09674-100UG - WAC Antibody

OACA09674-100UG 100ug
EUR 319

Rabbit Polyclonal WAC Antibody

TA319920 100 µg Ask for price

WAC (NM_016628) Human Over-expression Lysate

E45H10164-2 each
EUR 395

WAC (NM_016628) Human Over-expression Lysate

LS051322 100ug
EUR 628
Description: Transient overexpression lysate of WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (WAC), transcript variant 1

WAC Polyclonal Conjugated Antibody

C30135 100ul
EUR 476.4

WAC Polyclonal Conjugated Antibody

MBS9441311-01mLAF350 0.1mL(AF350)
EUR 480

WAC Polyclonal Conjugated Antibody

MBS9441311-01mLAF405 0.1mL(AF405)
EUR 480

WAC Polyclonal Conjugated Antibody

MBS9441311-01mLAF488 0.1mL(AF488)
EUR 480

WAC Polyclonal Conjugated Antibody

MBS9441311-01mLAF555 0.1mL(AF555)
EUR 480

WAC Polyclonal Conjugated Antibody

MBS9441311-01mLBiotin 0.1mL(Biotin)
EUR 480

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil)

MBS6001345-02mL 0.2(mL
EUR 695

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil)

MBS6001345-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 2975

Wac (myc-DDK-tagged) - Rat WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (Wac)

RR217039 10 µg Ask for price

WAC ORF Vector (Human) (pORF)

ORF011496 1.0 ug DNA
EUR 114

WAC ORF Vector (Human) (pORF)

ORF011497 1.0 ug DNA
EUR 114

Wac ORF Vector (Mouse) (pORF)

ORF061697 1.0 ug DNA
EUR 607.2

Wac ORF Vector (Mouse) (pORF)

ORF061698 1.0 ug DNA
EUR 607.2

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (AP)

MBS6362961-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (AP)

MBS6362961-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (APC)

MBS6362962-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (APC)

MBS6362962-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (PE)

MBS6362971-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (PE)

MBS6362971-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (FITC)

MBS6362964-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (FITC)

MBS6362964-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (Biotin)

MBS6362963-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (Biotin)

MBS6362963-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

Human WAC knockout cell line

ABC-KH16870 1 vial Ask for price
Description: Human WAC knockout cell line is HEK293/HeLa cell line, edited by CRISPR/Cas9 technology.

Human WAC knockdown cell line

ABC-KD16870 1 vial Ask for price
Description: Human WAC knockdown cell line is engineered by our optimized transduction of the specific shRNA with lentivirus. Knockdown levels are determined via qRT-PCR. Gentaur offers generation of stable knockdown (RNAi) cell lines expressing shRNAs targeting genes of your interest.

Human WAC Protein Lysate 20ug

EUR 213
Description: Human WAC Protein Lysate 20ug

WAC Peptide - N-terminal region

MBS3239173-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 180

WAC Peptide - N-terminal region

MBS3239173-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 730

WAC Antibody - N-terminal region

MBS3214236-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 455

WAC Antibody - N-terminal region

MBS3214236-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1995

OCOA10143-20UG - WAC Protein Lysate

OCOA10143-20UG 20ug
EUR 169

Enterobacteria phage T4 Fibritin (wac)

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10ug
  • 50ug
  • 100ug
  • 200ug
  • 500ug
  • 1MG
Description: Recombinant Enterobacteria phage T4 Fibritin(wac) expressed in E.coli

WAC Over-expression Lysate Product

GWB-76350E 0.1 mg Ask for price

WAC Antibody (Center) Blocking Peptide

MBS9228265-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (MaxLight 405)

MBS6362966-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (MaxLight 405)

MBS6362966-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 4250

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (MaxLight 490)

MBS6362967-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (MaxLight 490)

MBS6362967-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 4250

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (MaxLight 550)

MBS6362968-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (MaxLight 550)

MBS6362968-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 4250

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (MaxLight 650)

MBS6362969-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (MaxLight 650)

MBS6362969-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 4250

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (MaxLight 750)

MBS6362970-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (MaxLight 750)

MBS6362970-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 4250

Wac (untagged) - Mouse WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (Wac), transcript variant 3

MC228430 10 µg Ask for price

WAC (untagged)-Human WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (WAC), transcript variant 3

SC313936 10 µg Ask for price

WAC (untagged)-Human WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (WAC), transcript variant 1

SC318107 10 µg Ask for price

WAC (untagged)-Human WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (WAC), transcript variant 2

SC110442 10 µg Ask for price

WAC (untagged)-Human WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (WAC), transcript variant 1

SC111807 10 µg Ask for price

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (Azide free) (HRP)

MBS6362965-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

WAC, ID (WAC, KIAA1844, WW domain-containing adapter protein with coiled-coil) (Azide free) (HRP)

MBS6362965-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

WAC (GFP-tagged) - Human WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (WAC), transcript variant 3

RG224250 10 µg Ask for price

WAC (GFP-tagged) - Human WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (WAC), transcript variant 1

RG202553 10 µg Ask for price

Wac sgRNA CRISPR Lentivector set (Mouse)

K4566401 3 x 1.0 ug
EUR 406.8

WAC sgRNA CRISPR Lentivector set (Human)

K2624401 3 x 1.0 ug
EUR 406.8

AAP87488-100UG - WAC Peptide - middle region

AAP87488-100UG 100ug
EUR 99

OAPB01740-100UG - WAC Antibody - N-terminal

OAPB01740-100UG 100ug
EUR 389

Wac (Myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (Wac), transcript variant 2

MR215900 10 µg Ask for price

Wac (myc-DDK-tagged) - Mouse WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil (Wac), transcript variant 3

MR230641 10 µg Ask for price

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